
Coldwell Banker

━━ Mark Campbell & Associates Real Estate

It is with great pleasure that Coldwell Banker, Mark Campbell & Associates welcomes you to We are the only real estate office in the area that has a web-site solely devoted to Commercial Real Estate. The search for a company that specializes in Commercial Real Estate in Central Texas is over. With years of experience in Brownwood, Early, Lake Brownwood, and all surrounding counties , we know how crucial it is for you to find relevant, up-to-date, accurate information and to find an agency that specializes in commercial real estate . Through the power of our national brand, along with our local expertise, and our years of experience no commercial property is to large, to small, or too complicated for our staff to handle.

We have experience and expertise in all types of commerical real estate brokerage including sales, leasing, and management Some of Brownwood’s unique characteristics have made it an unusually good area for commerical real estate. This includes our large industrial base anchored by Kohler, 3M, and Superior Essex, our outstanding medical community including the Hendrick Medical Center Brownwood and AccelHelath, our high traffic counts on major highways, and our central location in the State of Texas.